How it works

Here’s a quick overview of how easy it is to work with goLance.


Post your job

Two minutes is all it takes to get your job in front of a global pool of freelance talent.

Pre-qualify talent

Use our search-optimized dashboard and skills assessments to quickly identify candidates who fit the bill.

Choose fixed-price or hourly contracts

Pay by the hour or on a fixed-price basis. Set milestones to segment work and monitor progress.

Create unlimited companies

Run as many companies as you like, with different payment methods and transparency controls for each.

join as client


Create your profile

Set up a professional profile that showcases your expertise and the services you offer.

Get hired by clients

Find and bid on jobs that meet your criteria, match your interests, and suit your skills.

Create and run your agency

Add team members and subcontractors, assign user roles, set permissions, and split payments.

Choose how you get paid

Get paid in your currency, with a virtual or physical debit card or even through crypto.

join as freelancer

Accelerate growth with goLance

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